Piece is approximately 18.5"x20"
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I restarted work on this piece which I "finished" back at the beginning of June '10. It's working title was "Smerdyakov", though that may change as I don't feel like it befits that character from Brothers Karamazov as much anymore.
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This is the original "Finished product" that was Displayed at the Stumptown and Beulahland art shows, finished in one week's time--tons of dots rendered in a short amount of time. I felt like I needed one more piece for Stumptown, and it seemed finished enough for display. After having to look at it a lot, I realized I'd need to work on it some more.
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A close-up of the updated version
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Even closer.
Let me emphasize that I'm not finished with this piece. I need to darken the neck, the "shirt" and the background some more. It's quite an undertaking, my friends. It's quite easy to get sucked into the minutiae and lose sight of the big picture, so to speak. Such is the nature of doing large-scale dot-detail. I look forward to starting a new one soon--possibly doing some color-work. I owe my Aunt and Uncle a piece of artwork, so I need to get crackin' on a landscape pretty soon.